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Flagon, Communion

Object Name: Flagon, Communion

Object ID: 1995.631.01

Creator: Meriden Silver Plate Co. -- Manufacturer

Place of Origin: Meriden, CT

Date: 1869-1898

Description: Communion flagon. Silver plated. Tall, cylindrical flagon with straight sides tapering from a hollow, stepped base to bulbous incurving rim. Beading along bottom and top edge of base and bottom and top edge of bulbous shaped rim. Small hinged dome shaped lid attached to top of body rim. Cross-shaped finial and molded leaf accents over very top of lid. Elaborate scroll handle with leaf shaped accents at both junctures with body. Raised beading along top of upper curve of handle. Spout is simple and covered except for end. Scroll cutout at open end of spout cover. Marks: Stamped on bottom: "04380", "MERIDEN / SILVER PLATE CO", "W. MERIDEN CONN.", and "QUADRUPLE PLATE".

Material: Metal
Silver Plated

Dimensions: H-14.5 W-8.25 D-6.75 inches

Provenance: Said to have been used by St. Andrew's Church, Rye, NH. Maker's mark of Meriden Silver Plate Co., of Meriden, CT, 1869-1898.

Credit Line: New Hampshire Historical Society Collection

Subjects: Communion

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